There once was a girl who helped me survive a summer. Accomplishing such task was no small adventure. She set sail with gusts large enough to blow one away.
She crept quietly into my soul and hid inside my heart, waiting silently until I discovered her presence.
From within, she wordlessly etched her love. She celebrated my joys and was crushed with every hardship. She understood my passions and knew my fears. Restlessly she helped me gain courage and taught me to live free.
As the endless days grew short I began to understand the complete takeover she unleashed from sitting inside my heart.
Our last day forced us on separate sides of an uncrossable boarder.
But while miles apart, still she sits, in her hiding spot inside my heart. She set up camp, putting up stilts and preparing for anything. Her, unwilling to be retracted or removed. Me, happy to let her take up space within.
And from where she sat, she understood that I broke my own heart trying to love him, And from her little spot, she was able to pull in the radioactive shards upon herself. Sewing them back together and holding them in place. One, by one. Whispering to every piece: "I love you, and I will never leave, no matter the weight of separation or pain of the distance. Every day, here I will sit. Holding you together, until again you are whole, complete enough to simply just let me sit inside and enjoy my presence."
And it wasn't until then that I realized, it was never her plan to sit and hide. She placed herself within to help mold my heart to what it needs to be. Sitting endlessly, taking upon herself the possibility of a lifetime of pain, due to the shards of my inward breaking heart. Making sure she was there, simply to hold up and patch the pieces that may become undone from time to time. Spending her hours on rough days, putting together the puzzle when this beating heart cracks . And on quiet days to marvel on why she stays and rejoice together in the beauty of life.
And here I sit. Trying to understand when it could have happened. It did so without me knowing. But now, when one goes looking for me, they can find me hiding within her heart. Waiting for the damage. Waiting for the bruises and scrapes formed by HER shards. But, simultaneously, anticipating the day when I could in return pay her back by holding together her radioactive pieces. Not wanting it to happen. But completely prepared and armed for battle. Siting in peace, rejoicing in all the beauty life brings her.
And, now knowing. This is the definition of a best friend. So if you're out searching for one, look for a person with a vacant space, and silently, crawl inside. Prepare for battle. Enjoying the view while you wait. Sharing in all the beauty. And when the time arises, use all your soul to hold together the toxic pieces.
Because, after all, that's what she does for me.
And that's why she's my best friend.
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